Facts: Squirrels are plentiful in most environments. They adapt well to being near humans and our man made "trees". The most common is the Grey Squirrel and the ocassional Red being seen as well. Flying squirrels are also seen frequently in semi urban areas. Greys are active during the day while flying are more at night. Squirrels are very high strung. If caught or trapped in a home, instead of going for the door they will run erratically until they bgo out by luck or stress themselves to exhaustion. They generally breed 2x a year and commonly nest in attics.
Bird feeder being raided: This is common. A baffle made of plastic and formed into a cone is most efeective. The baffle should be at least 15 inches wide at the widest part and at least 4 feet above the ground on the pipe.
Squirrel digging up the yard/garden/landscaping: Squirrels will start burying nuts in late summer or early fall. It is estimated that a squirrel hides around 10,000 nuts a year and can find about 80% or 8,000 of them. The easiest deterant is capsincin based repellent.
Baby following/ trying to climb up people: Call Animal Control or your local rehab. This is a tell tale sign of a hungry orphan.
Squirrel looks drunk/uncoordinated: Call the police, animal control or your local rehab. Squirrels commonly pick up raccoon roundworm while foraging. It is a fatal parasite that affects the brain.
Squirrel in the house: Don't try to chase it. If possible, contain it to 1 room, shut all the doors and open a window. Once everything quiets down, it should leave on it's own out the window. If not call Animal Control or a rehab for assistance
Squirrel in the chimney: This is common if your chimney isn't capped. Squirrels usually climb on the chimney and fall down the shaft. If possible, drop a rope down the chimney and wait a few hours. This will allow it to climb out. If not possible, the only option is the release the squirrel into the home and follow the above instructions. Once the squirrel is removed, speak with a roofer or chimney sweep to inspect the shaft and install a cap.
Baby squirrel fell out of tree: If the baby is uninjured, it is best to leave it where it is. If it is chilly or the baby is not furry, take a hot water bottle or a ahndwarmer wrapped in cloth and place the baby on it. Mom should come get it in 24 hours. Do not place it in a box or cover it as mom will likely miss it. If mom hasn't taken it in 24 hours, called your local rehab or animal control.