Facts: Raccoons a very inteligent and adaptable. Urban and suburban places tend to suit them well as there is generally free food in the form of garbage and pet food. Raccoons are very beneficial as they eat bugs, snakes, mice and rats. While most think raccoons are mean, they generally don't take on things bigger than a mouse. They will generally run if confronted but if needed will stand their ground.
Raccoons in the garbage: Best course is to elimiate the source. Securement of trash is the only way to prevent garbage raids.
Raccoons in the dumpster: The same applies as garbage cans. If a raccoon is stuck in the dumpster, place a 2x4 or large stick diagonally so it can climb out. If unsuccessful, call your local animal control or police department.
Raccoons in the garage: Generally leaving the door open about 4 inches will allow them to leave. You can also leave the light on and blare a radio to give it some encouragement. If it is spring/summer, there is a good chance it might have babies. If possible let them be. If they must be evicted, it is best to call a rehabber or animal control for advice.
Raccoons under the deck: This is generally a mother with babies. Throughout the summer, raccooons will move the babies around and eventually they will start following her as they get older. The best option is to let them be and grow up. If this is not an option, speak with animal control or a rehabber for advice on eviction.
Baby Raccooons in the open: It is not uncommon to see baby racccoons snuggled together sleeping. They will generally follow mom a little bit and then take a nap. Keep an eye and if they are not moved by morning, call animal control or a rehabber.