Injured Domestic Animals
Dealing with injured animals can be dangerous. Even the nicest animal can turn aggressive if it is in pain. Generally it is not advised to apporach an injured animal due to bite risk. If you must move an injured animal (hit by car and still in road, location is dangerous or hard to access, etc), cover the animals head/eyes with a towel, blanket or jacket and scoop up the animal and move it to a safe place. If the animal shows signs of aggression, leave the animal where it is and call animal control or your local police. If you are unable to get help from Animal Control or the police in a timely fashion, you can call CART 24/7 at 920-819-6709.
Animal control is generally trained how to safely handle injured animals to minimize the stress and prevent injury to people or further injure to the animal. They are also able to quickly get the animal to an emergency vet for immediate medical care.